Wednesday, April 11, 2018

What Reveal Pimples On Our Face?

Find out what your body says on the schedule of the pimple on your face.

You may never have imagined, but the spots on a precise part of the face suggest a specific health problems.

With these simple tips you may permanently solve the problem and stop to visit beauticians and dermatologists. Next time you see a new face on the acne look at this map, also, be aware of your body and hygiene – and remember that for every problem there is a solution.

Zone 1 & 2 – forehead: Digestive problems

Eat less ‘junk food-a’, reduce the amount of fat lighter diet, increase the intake of water in the body and insert fresh cucumbers in the diet.

Zone 3 – between the eyebrows: Liver

Reduce your intake of alcohol, fatty foods and dairy products. This is the zone in which they appear, and food allergies so make sure the composition of what you eat. Exercise 30 minutes each day and make sure that enough sleep, because then your liver and the rest. Empty and bad calories can have a detrimental effect on mood.

Zone 4 & 5 – Eye: Kidney

Any occurrence around the eyes, including dark circles, indicate dehydration. Drink water!

Zone 6 – nos: Heart

Check blood pressure and vitamin B. Reduce the intake of spicy and bitter foods and meat intake. Find a way to lower your cholesterol by eating nuts, avocados and fish. As this part of the face naturally has a somewhat wider pores, make sure that your cosmetics has not expired or that clog pores.

Zone 7 & 8 – ears: Kidneys

Water again! Reduce your intake of carbonated drinks, coffee and alcohol because they lead to dehydration.

Zone 9 & 10 – faces: Airway

Smoke? You are prone to allergies? This is a problem area for both. If not, then make sure that the body does not overheat, eat cold food, reduce intake of sugar and breathe more fresh air. Cut out meat, dairy products, alcohol, caffeine and sugar, and you take more vegetables. There is another important thing we rarely think about, such as mobile phones and pillow cases – should be clean because it causes most acne in this area.

Zone 11 & 12 – around the lips: Hormones

This is the dominant zone for stress and hormonal changes. Although it seems impossible to influence this, you can still make a difference by having a good night’s sleep, bring a sufficient amount of fluids and eat leafy vegetables that keeps the skin clean. As a rule, the female hormonal acne appears during ovulation.

Zone 13 – beard: Stomach

Boost fiber intake and drink herbal teas to help improve digestion.

Zone 14 – Neck: Illness

Pimples in this area could be a sign that the body is struggling with some bacteria to prevent disease.

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