Monday, April 2, 2018

What is Acne and what are the causes of Acne Breakouts

Acne is a chronic disorder that usually hits a person during his or her teenage. However, a number of adult also suffer from acne and numerous persons experience is skin disorder during their mid twenties. There are different types and kinds of acne such as pimples, zits, whiteheads, blackheads, cystic acne and pustules acne etc. Acne is a skin-deep disease and emerges as a result of long process that occurs at the cellular level of the skin. There are a number of different causes of acne. a few causes that results in acne breakouts to emerge on your face are discussed as under

Causes of Acne Breakouts

Hormonal Changes during teenage and pregnancy

Hormonal imbalance is one of the major culprits behind the acne breakouts. A person undergoes a number of hormonal changes during his or her teenage. These hormonal changes bring a number of physical and psychological transformations in a person. However, if these changes are not balanced they will result in the formation of acne on the surface of skin of a person. A number of women experience hormonal changes during pregnancy. These changes often lead to acne breakouts in a pregnant woman.

Unhealthy Way of Living and Bad Eating Habits

People living an unhealthy life also suffer from acne. A number of people do not take care of their skin properly. They do not cleanse their skin at regular bases as a result dirt, grime and excess oil of the skin results in formation of acne. Many people squeeze of pick their acne to get rid of them. However this is one of the unhealthiest practices as germs from the hands and nails transfer to the skin and cause infection in acne breakouts. Inadequate sleep and wrong sleeping patterns can also facilitate the growth of acne.

Excessive intake of processed food and the food rich in starch can also produce acne. Junk foods and fizzy soft drinks are examples of processed food that are unhealthy for the overall health and also facilitate acne breakouts.

Emotional Stress and Depression

Although stress and depression is not directly related to acne breakouts but they can make your acne worse. Stress triggers adrenal glands to produce more hormones and also takes a major part in slowing down the process of healing of the acne.

Acne Heredity

If a person of your family been a victim of acne you are more prone towards this skin disease. Sometimes you inherit over activated sebaceous glands from your parents or other close relatives. These over activated sebaceous glands result in acne breakouts during puberty.

Overuse of Oil Based Cosmetics

Cosmetics or creams rich in oil and grease will worsen your acne. In order to prevent acne use a cosmetic that is 100 percent oil free and suits well to your skin.

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