Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Hypnotism - Powerful Enhancement For Depression Treatment!

Depression Symptoms

If you’ve struggled with depression as so many of us do. If you’re sick of anti-depressant drugs and are concerned about what those drugs are doing to your body. If you’d like a new way to help break free from depression then you owe it to yourself to investigate hypnotism for depression or self hypnosis for depression. Many doctors, patients, hospitals and clinics are very excited about the results they’ve been getting by adding hypnosis to the normal treatment of depression.

Anti-Depressants. Let’s face it we Americans are an over medicated society. Anti-depressant drugs only add to that problem. I just want to make you aware of a possible treatment enhancement or alternative like self hypnosis that may help you break free from your depression or at least control it much better. Live happier, just imagine looking forward to getting out of bed in the morning and facing the rest of the world with a smile on your face. And doing it naturally with no or minimal medication.

Hypnosis. Hypnosis and hypnotism are becoming more and more accepted across the medical profession. Even the Mayo Clinic uses alternative treatment such as hypnosis for their difficult cases that have an anxiety or emotional component. Now you can get self hypnosis sessions that you can download and listen to as often as you need. These session are tailored to deal with a specific type of problem such as depression or insomnia. By its nature hypnosis is successful at these types of problems because the root of depression is your thoughts and feelings. The programming in your mind if you will and hypnosis is able to change that programming.

How it works. Your hypnosis session whether administered by a hypnotherapist or from a self hypnosis session, will start off by taking you into a deep state of relaxation. At that relaxed point your subconscious, the source of most of your mental programming, can be changed. Changes to programming that benefits you and propels you forward. You’ll undoubtedly find that a session and especially the relaxation part is a very enjoyable experience. It wasn’t until I started using a self hypnosis program that things really started to changed for me.

Foods That Fight Depression

Executive Summary about Teenage Depression by Oksana Lim

What is clinical depression? It is when chemicals in our brains called neurotransmitters become unbalanced. Traumatic events, family history, drug or alcohol abuse are among them. There’s no rush to reach for antidepressant drugs right away, all you need is to revise your diet. Lets look at the ingredients, found in food, that help ease depressive episodes.

Carbohydrates. Tryptophan is a non-essential amino acid contained in carbohydrates and boosting serotonin (chemical that raises our sense of well-being) level in the brain. You can guilt free enjoy carbohydrates in your diet as the recent studies show that low carbohydrate diet enhances fatigue and reduces drive to exercise in overweight adults.

Omega-3 fatty acids. Apart from other health benefits from eating omega-3 rich food is that it affects neurotransmitter pathways in the brain relieving our depressive symptoms. Such foods as fatty fish (salmon, anchovies, tuna, sardines, mackerel), flaxseed, nuts and dark green vegetables should be an essential part of any healthy diet.

Selenium-rich foods. It was proved that low selenium intakes (less than 55 micrograms a day) cause poorer moods. Selenium can be toxic though if overdosed. Foods rich in selenium are seafood (clams, oysters, crabs), nuts, seeds, lean meat, whole-grain foods, beans, low-fat dairy products.

It is also recommended that you consume enough vitamin B12 and D, which is why you should consider moving to a Mediterranean diet, which includes all foods you need to fight depression.

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