Wednesday, May 23, 2018

How to grow Healthy Beautiful and Long Hairs

Hair length varies from a person to other depending upon the genes, diet, environmental influences and things you apply to your hair. The particular length to which hairs of a person can grow is called “Terminal Length” for his or her hair. Although hairs are restricted to grow to a certain length you can apply a number of different techniques to get long, shiny and beautiful hair like Repunzel. Here are a few tips that you must follow to get the sort of hair you desire.

Keep on trimming hair to get rid of damaged edges

Cut off the damaged and brittle ends of your hair by time-to-time trimming. If your hair are damaged badly you can go for an extreme hair cut before starting the process of lengthening your hair. Make a routine to trim your hair regularly after a month or two to avoid further damage.

Avoid Hair products based on Harsh Chemicals

Do not use chemical based shampoos, hair colors, gels and hair oils as they can do substantial damage to your hair. Chemical based products results in the pre mature graying of the hair along with making them brittle, fragile and unhealthy.

Avoid using Heated electronics at your Hair

Do not use heated appliances to the wet hair as it may result in broken hair. Heated appliances absorb all the moisture from hair leaving them brittle and dry. If you want to use hair drier, electric curlers and straightening iron you must use them when your hair are up to 80 percent dry.

Use a separate scissors to trim and cut your hair

Use a pair for scissors designated for the trimming of your hair. Keep the pair clean and sharp so you can trim your hair without any problem. Trim half an inch of your hair each month to avoid damage that starts from the tips of the hair. However, if you want to attain a considerable length of your hair repeat the process of trimming only 3 to 4 times a year.

Eat Balanced Diet

Having balanced diet is very important to keep your hair long and healthy. Avoid junk food and fizzy drinks as they have a low nutritional value. Take fresh fruits, vegetables, lean meat, eggs and lentils as a part of your daily diet.

Intake Adequate amount of vitamins, proteins and minerals

Hairs are made up of proteins so you must keep an accurate level of protein in your body to have healthy and strong hair. You can take vitamins and minerals supplements to fill up deficiency of important vitamins and minerals. Eat fish, eggs, lean meat such as chicken and lentils to fulfill the protein deficiency in your body.

Be Gentle and Careful with your hair

Do proper oiling of your hair once a month by using coconut oil, almond oil or mustered oil. Instead of brushing your hair brutally with plastic or steel brush use wide-toothed wooden combs to avoid breaking of hairs. Comb your hair 3 o 4 times a day to regulate the flow of blood in your scalp.

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