Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Affect of Obesity on Male and Female Fertility

Obesity can be termed as the newest epidemic that has spread all around the world during last few decades. A person is called obscene if he or she weighs 15 kg or 33 pounds approx more than his or her ideal weight. Ideal weight is calculated on the bases of gender, height and general build of the body of a person. In other words, if you have a BMI of 30 or above 30 you are suffering from obesity. A number of serious diseases are associated with obesity such as high cholesterol level, cardio-vascular diseases, blood pressure and infertility. According to the latest scientific research there is a direct relationship between obesity and fertility.

Affect of Obesity on Female Fertility

Obesity is extremely harmful for female fertility as compared to male fertility. Several medicals researches prove that Obesity is emerging as a major reason behind female infertility. Excessive weight in females results in hormonal imbalances that may lead to infertility or other complications regarding pregnancy. Excessive weight upsets the normal menstruation and ovulation cycle in the females leading to infertility and other complications in conception. Excessive visceral fats in the abdominal area of women may result in the production of harmful acids that may result in miscarriage.

Excess fat in the body leads to a condition called ” Estrogen Dominance” that boosts up the level of hormone estrogen in the body of the female. Estrogen is the same hormone used in the contraceptive pills to prevent conception. Excess of estrogens in the body blocks the emergence of female eggs from the thick walls of ovary. Hence it disturbs the process of ovulation that in turns disturbs the menstruation cycle in the females.

Obesity may facilitate PCOS syndrome in females. In PCOS syndrome there is development of multiple cysts around the ovary that disrupt the process of ovulation. Females suffering from PCOS syndrome have a low rate of completing their pregnancy to full term successfully.

Affect of Obesity on Male Fertility

Men also face dangers to their fertility due to obesity and being over-weight. Obesity in men leads to poor sperm count and poor sperm quality. It may also triggers heart disease in males. Obesity results in increased physical and mental fatigue as a result a person suffers from lack of interest in sexual activity. Obesity may lead to erectile dysfunction and poor performance during sexual activity. Obesity also lowers the level of testosterone in the body of males that also leads to ED.

In order to avoid above-mentioned problems a holistic approach is required to manage excessive body weight. Try to reduce weight and achieve normal BMI with the help of proper guidance, expert help and determination. Live a healthy and active lifestyle along with taking proper and healthy foods to avoid obesity.

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