Wednesday, February 21, 2018

How to get rid of Chronic Constipation

Constipation is a complex problem in which a person finds difficulty to pass stool. Depending upon the severity of constipation there may be pain during passing out the feces through anus. It may result in tearing the internal lining of anus that may leads to bleeding. Constipation also triggers a number of other stomach problems such as bloating, abdominal pain and gastritis. Other problems associated with constipation are irritable bowel syndrome, intestinal infection, Parkinson’s disease, infection of colon or rectum etc.

Methods of Curing Chronic Constipation

While suffering from constipation a person fails to pas stool in a formal way that results in the retention of toxic matters and other free radicals in the body of the person. Constipation may increase probability of appendicitis, cancer and rheumatism. Constipation can be treated by both the medical treatment as well as with effective home remedies. Below are a few tips to cure and treat chronic constipation.

Home Remedies to treat Chronic Constipation

  • take of water as deficiency of water in your body may result in hardening of your stool that may lead to constipation. Drink 8 to 10 glasses of water to maintain the accurate water level in your body. In addition to water you can also drink fresh juices in order to avoid constipation and dehydration.
  • Fibrous food can do miracles to treat constipation. Take fibrous foods such as guava, mangos, whole grains, papaya, beans and leafy vegetables as a regular part of your routine diet.
  • Hot fluids such as coffee, tea, green tea or even hot water can stimulate proper bowel movement and help you in getting rid of constipation. Take two to three cups of hot water daily to get rid of constipation.
  • Prunes can act as stool softeners as they naturally contain nutrients that soften the stool and prevents constipation in a person. You can also use prune juice to get rid of constipation.
  • A mixture of apple and pear juices can also act as a wonderful remedy against constipation. You can have cup of apple juice mix with pear juice in the morning and before going to bed in order to avoid constipation.
  • Avoid stress and emotional depressions as much as you can, as each of them can be a culprit behind constipation. Indulge yourself in yoga and meditations to avoid emotional distress and stress.
  • Use a few of fresh lemon juice mixed in Luke warm water to get rid of chronic constipation
  • You can also use castor oil mixed in Luke warm milk to ease the constipation and for proper bowel movements

Medical Treatments for chronic Constipation

  • You can use medicated laxatives to ease your constipation. There are a number of kinds of laxatives such as saline laxatives, bulk forming laxatives and lubricant laxatives.
  • You can use these laxatives in liquid, powdered and tablet form to get rid of constipation.

Monday, February 19, 2018

Important Herbal Information

Herbs can be very beneficial to your health and general well-being, but it is important that you take the time to learn about the different herbs and what they are used for before taking any yourself. Many people mistakenly think that just because herbs are plants and are therefore natural that they can take as much of them as often as they want but this is not true at all.

Herbs are still a form of medicine and so you need to be cautious and follow proper dosage instructions. You also should speak to your doctor before you begin taking any sort of herb so that you know you are using the one best suited to your condition and so that you can learn how to take the herb properly.

Herbal Options

There are quite a few herbal options available, including alfalfa, barley grass, Echinacea, feverfew, ginseng, licorice, Aloe Vera, elderberry, goldenseal, kava kava, milk thistle, yucca root, arnica, bilberry, don quai, saw palmetto, gotu kola, and garlic.

Visiting an Herbalist

If you are interested in beginning to include herbal products in your life, then one of the first things you should do is visit an herbalist. They are specially trained with herbs and can help you to determine proper treatment goals. They aim to correct imbalances, resolve patterns of dysfunction and educate you more on herbal medicine and products in general.

A typical session with an herbalist will last about an hour, but you can also request the session to be longer if you want. You may be physically examined and you will definitely be questioned about your medical history and your general well-being so that the herbalist can get a better idea on the type of lifestyle that you are living and what sort of health problems you may be suffering from.

Herbalists can use herbal medicine to help you with a variety of health conditions, including arthritis, menopause, fatigue, irritable bowel syndrome, asthma, eczema, and more. There are a few herbs in particular that are most commonly offered by herbalists, and they can even customize a specific herbal regime to fit your needs.

Just remember that an herbalist is not a qualified doctor and so you should not rest your health entirely in their hands. You can listen to their advice absolutely, but you should also consult with your own doctor as well to learn more, especially if you are already on any type of prescription medication.

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Asymptomatic Shedding Of Herpes

It’s time we start talking on the mouth as well as on other, much more sensitive body parts, both about herpes. Based on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, herpes (HSV-1 or hsv 2) is the most common sexually transmitted disease. Around 90 percent of Americans take the HSV 1 cold sore virus and around one in six Americans aged 14 to 49 have genital herpes, which will be normally HSV-2. Sadly, there is no cure or vaccine against the virus, however possibly the next best thing: A treatment that may suppress outbreaks preventing the spread of the virus is being worked on by a team of researchers.

You may get herpes from skin to anal sex, oral, vaginal, and skin contact. When there is, the simplest way for herpes to propagate is an open, active sore. When there is no outbreak in any way however you can nevertheless get herpes. We’ll say that. You will get herpes even when your partner revealing any open sores or is not having symptoms.

The result can greatly improve, particularly if treatment starts immediately, if an infant is infected. With treatment and early detection, most of the serious complications of neonatal herpes could be decreased. The drug acyclovir appears to not be dangerous in pregnancy, but it should only be utilized when the risks are outweighed by the advantages of taking the drug. At the moment, there isn’t as much info on the safety of valacyclovir and famciclovir, but both are classified as category B agents by the FDA (no evidence of risk in humans), similar to the danger of acyclovir.

Nearly instantaneously before symptoms appear and after HSV infects your body, the virus travels to some sensory nerve origin in the bottom of the spinal column called the sacral ganglion. It remains there in a latent or dormant period forever. In some individuals the virus travels back to the skin, where it multiplies until it erupts at the surface in the type of a sore and reactivates. A itching, tingling or burning sensation in the genital area or buttocks often signals an upcoming episode. These warning symptoms are known as the there a cure for genital herpes yet

The very best protection against any kind of sexually transmitted disease is a latex condom. However, it does not provide 100 percent protection against STDs abstinence does. Make sure you utilize it correctly, if you utilize a condom. More condom failures are caused by Human error than manufacturing errors. Make use of a brand new condom with each sexual act (including oral sex). Carefully genital herpes handle it so you don’t damage it fingernails, teeth or other sharp objects. Place the condom on following the penis is erect and before any genital contact. Use only water-based lubricants with latex condoms. Ensure adequate lubrication during sex. Hold the condom firmly against the root of the penis and withdraw while the penis is still erect to stop slippage.

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Side Effects of Birth Control Pills

Birth control of contraceptive pills helps in preventing pregnancy. However, these pills are an artificial way of stopping women of getting pregnant. Our body may respond negatively to this artificial approach. Birth control pills and other contraceptives may restrict the normal functioning of the body. They are good to use rarely as when use rarely they prove to be more effective and show no side effects. You will have to face critical consequences regarding your health and fertility if you take these drugs for a prolonged period of time without any medical recommendation.

There are a number of contraceptive alternatives available in the market. These include birth control pills, birth controlling condoms, birth control shots, and male and female sterilization etc. these types of contraceptive techniques work differently to prevent pregnancy. Some of the techniques prevent fertilization of egg and sperm. Other prevents the release of the egg from ovaries. Still other prevents pregnancy by preventing the fertilized egg to attach the wall of uterus. When used for a prolonged period of time each of this method has its own risks and side effects. Below we describe a few long-term side effects of birth controlling techniques.

Sexual Dysfunction

Prolonged use of birth control bills can lead to sexual dysfunction in both male and female. Females experience a visible decline in sexual desire and a significant decrease in vaginal lubrication. Both male and female may experience pain and discomfort during sexual intercourse.


Breast cancer is one of the most common side effects in females using birth control pills for a long period of time. Cancer is caused due to intense hormonal imbalance due to the use of birth control products. Oral contraceptives in females may lead to ovarian cancer, liver cancer and cervical cancer.

Other Common side effects of birth Control:

  • Unchecked weight gain
  • Polysystic Ovary Syndrome
  • Hypertension and High Blood Pressure
  • Cardio Vascular Diseases
  • Migraine
  • Emotional stress and depression
  • Nutritional defects
  • Ectopic Pregnancies
  • Infertility
  • Miscarriages
  • Clotting of Blood
  • Gallstones

Other side effects of the pills include dizziness, nausea, vomiting, breast tenderness and abdominal pain. You may feel mood swings, missed periods and abnormal bleeding during your menstrual cycles if you are taking birth control pills.

Women suffering from cardiac diseases, blood clotting, high blood pressure and liver ailments must not use contraceptive pills, as they can prove injurious to their health.